14 year old female


's Case Study

Astrid* first came to our clinic because she was struggling to understand audiobooks, movies, and what others were saying. She was exhausted by having to fill in all the gaps of what she was missing when people were speaking to her.

Her family was frustrated with having to repeat themselves so often. She seemed to be constantly asking “Huh?” or “What?”

A hearing test was given to Astrid during her initial appointment with us to see if she had hearing loss. This was not her first hearing test, in fact, her mother reports they were so certain she had a hearing problem that they had taken her for multiple tests between 5-8 years of age. Her hearing tests had always come back as “normal”, as did her test at our clinic on that day.

At 8 years, her parents decided to take her out of formal education and home-school Astrid as her teachers didn’t seem to understand why she wasn’t listening to them. Her teachers would often berate her in front of the other students and, for this reason, it took a long time for Astrid to rebuild her confidence. After several years of doing self-guided learning, Astrid had become very successful academically, however her “hearing problem” continued.

Astrid’s family agreed to take part in our online training program and she completed it in less than 3 months.

In the first photo, you see her a portion of her pretest results. Red/Significant Weakness indicate very poor performance, yellow/Mild Weakness shows some difficulty, and green displays results within normal limits.

The second photo shows her retest results.

Astrid notes: “Everyone notices a change in me. I feel comfortable and confident to speak in front of more people on a variety of topics.” Her parents also noted improvement through a questionnaire. She notes that she can understand what people are saying as they are speaking and it makes a big difference in her happiness.​

Prior to commencing therapy, Astrid answered a questionnaire called an HHIA. This showed a score of 84 out of 100. (A score of 0 shows no difficulty and 100 shows extreme difficulty.) Her pretest score showed a significant hearing problem despite a normal hearing test result. Her responses to the same questionnaire after therapy showed a score of 38 out of 100.

While Astrid’s scores still aren’t perfect, they show tremendous improvement.

Auditory processing abilities can be trained and improved at any age. We are proud of her for completing our program!

*Client’s name has been changed for confidentiality purposes.

Astrid's thoughts:

"I have suffered from auditory processing disorder for a long time.  I was miserable, scared, and embarrassed.  When I met Angela and did her online training program, everything changed.  Angela is an amazing person.  She’s so funny and kind.  Angela’s online training program is AMAZING!  It was so much fun to use, and she puts so many funny jokes in there as well!  She has put so much effort into helping me.  I started with very bad auditory processing, but now I have amazing auditory processing!"

Standard Track:  One Lesson per Week

/ 6 months of access

Complete a round of therapy in 3 to 6 months.

What’s included
Phonemic Training Program
Words in Noise Training
Short-term Auditory Memory
Phonemic Synthesis Program
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